10 Best Easy methods to make money on Pinterest

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make money on Pinterest

Did you know you can make money on Pinterest with and without a blog?

Pinterest is popular. Nowadays, people from everywhere use this powerful search engine to buy clothes and home decor, share tasty recipes and information, or create content and promote their blogs and businesses.

As you already know, bloggers profit from this social network to share their content with their audience and grow their traffic.

However, if boosting your income is your goal, you can still make money on Pinterest without a blog.
And yes, you can enjoy your favorite mango juice on a beautiful beach while you earn something without too much hassle.

Awesome! Isn’t it?

So, without further away, let’s see what Pinterest is and how you can make money on Pinterest.

What is Pinterest

Before we dive deeper into this post, let’s discover what Pinterest is.

Pinterest is a popular social network with over 400 million users. It is a website where people search for things and create content they can save, share, and download.

Simply put, Pinterest is a search engine.

Can I make money with Pinterest?

Can I make money with Pinterest? Is it possible? Can I turn it into a full-time income?
You’ve already asked yourself these questions, aren’t you? Well, let me surprise you. Yes! Making money with Pinterest is possible, and yes, you can turn this side hustle into your full-time career!

People usually make money on Pinterest with a blog.

But you still can make money on Pinterest without a blog. So, if people can make money with a blog, why can’t you without a blog?

However, keep in mind that this path is a long journey. You have to deal with consistency, up and down, strategies, and more.

As a merchant, blogger, or business owner, you can build your side income using Pinterest, as people tend to navigate on Pinterest to buy things (home decor, crafts, printables, clothes, etc) or to save and share content they find interesting.

The more people interact with your pins and get to your blog or e-commerce site, the more money you make!

Best and popular Pinterest niches
  • Parenting
  • DIY and crafts
  • Food and drinks
  • Fashion
  • Home Decor
  • Fitness
  • Beauty
  • Health and wellness
  • Personal Finance
  • Blogging

Easy methods to make money on Pinterest

Let’s find out how to make money on Pinterest with and without a blog.

How to make money on Pinterest without a blog

What if you do not have a blog but still want to make money on Pinterest?

Fortunately, you do not need to be a professional. All you need is some basic knowledge, consistency, and patience!

Let’s discover how to make money on Pinterest without a blog.

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1. Become a Pinterest virtual assistant

Become a Pinterest virtual assistant or VA to earn without a blog.

Most content creators and business owners need a virtual assistant to manage their accounts.

2. Affiliate links

You can make money on Pinterest using affiliate links.

However, before joining any affiliate program and deciding to put the link to your pins, make sure to read their guidelines, as some programs forbid using their links on Pinterest.

Instead, programs like ShareASale, Etsy, Awin, Creative Market, Rakuten Networking, FlexOffers, and RewardStyle permit the use of their links on Pinterest.

To make money legal with an affiliate link, add an affiliate disclosure to every pin you create with the affiliate link, such as #ad or #affiliate, to inform that you are using an affiliate link.

However, read the guidelines of your affiliate program before promoting.

3. Sell your own products

Do you enjoy creating products or printables? Are you creative enough to design unique printables or templates that stand out from the rest? Or are you a merchant?

Designing and creating your products is another form to earn money on Pinterest, as many users navigate on Pinterest to purchase any type of stuff, such as clothes, home decor, printables, templates, gifts, crafts, and more.

To do so, you need to set up a shop on Pinterest and add your products to sell.
You can also add your Etsy or Shopify store.

4. Partner with brands

Partnering with brands, especially your favorites, is the first step to earning money with Pinterest without a blog.

To earn money as a partner with brands, you do not need to promote an affiliate link or create your own product.

Instead, design an eye-catching pin, add the paid partnership label, and tag your partner brand.

Here also, promote brands within your audience, niche, and interests.

5. Become a Pinterest consultant

If you are good enough with Pinterest and know some of the strategies to rank on top, you can offer consulting services to other users and companies.

To gain more clients and win their trust, consider creating your own website, displaying some client reviews and testimonials when choosing your services, and putting together a list of recommendations and tips.
Remember to showcase your client’s website and analytics to gain more trust and show your knowledge.

Having your self-hosted websites will make everything look more professional and will, therefore, validate your consulting services.

Nowadays, being a Pinterest consultant is popular and will make you earn some extra money as a side job.

6. Drive traffic to your e-commerce site

While earning money on Pinterest by pinning content from your blog, you can still make some extra driving traffic to your e-commerce site.

Showcase your products on your site, create related blog posts, design your pins, and pin the content to your Pinterest profile to reach your targeted audience and drive traffic to your e-commerce site.

Remember that you can sell digital products, physical products, and services.

7. Sell Pinterest templates

Another way to earn money with Pinterest is by creating templates for Pinterest or other templates.

Use free apps like Canva to create awesome templates and sell them to your potential clients, keeping your niche and audience in mind.

Many bloggers and online businesses are looking for eye-catching templates to present their websites and brands or to design pins for their content.

How to make money on Pinterest with a blog

What if you have a blog and you want to monetize it?

There are numerous ways you can make money on Pinterest with a blog.
Whether you are a beginner or a professional, you can make some extra using some plugins, reaching out to some ad affiliate network, or creating your own products.

Let’s see how you can make money with a blog.

How to get started with a blog on Pinterest

  1. Choose your hosting platform
  2. Build a website (read how to start a successful blog in 2023.)
  3. Create a Pinterest account for your blog
  4. Set up boards and profile
  5. Claim your website
  6. Set up and apply for rich pins
  7. Design eye-catching and colorful pins
  8. Pin, pin, pin, and pin!

Make sure to pin other people’s pins, especially if you are a newbie.

Pinning other content is a helpful way to enrich your boards, increase engagement, and grow your following. 

Moreover, when you pin other pins of people, they are more likely to return to your Pinterest profile and pin your content.

Make sure to pin related to your niche, business, and audience.

1. Ads on blog

The first and best option is to monetize your blog with ads. 

It is the most profitable passive income for bloggers. 

How it works is pretty simple. When someone comes to your blog and sees or clicks on ads, it will help you earn money.

However, first, you need to get accepted before monetizing with ads.

You can try to enter EzoicMonumetricAdSenseMediavine, or Adthrive (now Raptive).

Every network has its requirements for sessions.

As a beginner, I recommend you join Google AdSenseMedianet, or Ezoic.

2. Affiliate marketing on blog

Affiliate marketing is a common way to earn money with your blog and Pinterest.

In fact, it is the second best way to make money with a blog or website.

The easiest way to broadcast your content or blog posts where you promote a product is to create inviting and eye-catching pins to attract the attention of your potential customer or user.

Once someone clicks on the pin, lands on your website from Pinterest, and uses your affiliate links to buy a product, you will earn a small commission.

Another way to earn money with affiliate links on the blog is to write posts and content with affiliate links. Promote the posts on your Pinterest account using the best Pinterest strategies and lead traffic to your website.

Remember that the earnings from promoting affiliate links on your blog depend on your niche and the products you promoting. Carefully read the brand’s guidelines you want to work with before promoting its products.

3. Drive traffic to your e-commerce site

If you have an e-commerce site and you already have some products (physical or digital), you can start earning money by driving traffic to your site or shop.

You can sell digital or physical products or offer services for a targeted niche.

Tips to make money on Pinterest

  1. Consistency is the key. If you just started your path to make money on Pinterest as a newbie and it has already been a month, but you still have not gotten any improvement, do not give up. The secret to success is consistency. Keep pinning, creating new content, and engaging with other users to rank on top. You will notice the first clicks, followers, and impressions within four to five months.
  2. Pinterest loves active pinners. The more you pin, the faster people reach your profile and website. Pin, pin, and pin! 
  3. Follow Pinterest trends to know what’s trending. Unfortunately, this feature is only available to a few regions. So, if you have it, use it.
  4. The same strategies that work for me could not work for you and vice versa. Learn all the Pinterest strategies you can and apply them. You will soon discover what works for you better.

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As you can see, there are plentiful ways to make money on Pinterest with and without a blog.

Of course, before starting, you need a strategy to grow your blog or business or to get noticed.

Remember that consistency plays a relevant role in marketing. Whether you’re a newbie or a professional, you can make money with some basic knowledge.

Did you already know some of these ways?

Good luck, and let me hear from you!

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